The Desert Rose Program: At First Glance
The Desert Rose program is a brand new dramatherapy program written for girls age 11 - 16 who are living in challenging situations. Donna Jennings, the dramatherapist behind our successful Listening Stone Program, wrote the Desert Rose program in response to our team’s request for a program for girls.
In September, Donna visited Iraq to provide training and shortly after, the first ever Desert Rose program was launched!
Here are some photos from the first few weeks. As you take in the smiles of joy on every face, you can pray with us that every one of these children will one day know how loved they are by the Heavenly Father!
One of the first art activities the girls did was to sculpt a flower that represents themselves. Some chose to sculpt several flowers to represent themselves and their best friends. Others chose to showcase their artistry and attention to detail.
It was beautiful to see the girls express themselves boldly through art. Every flower was a self-portrait!
Artists hard at work!
In this picture, teacher Rania introduces the main character of the story - Mahabba. Although this program was designed for girls age 11 and up, our team realized that themes of self-worth, destiny and resilience are just as important for younger girls too. Our teachers chose to run a second session each week without being compensated to make sure that every girl got the chance to experience the program.
The Desert Rose program is an excellent continuation to the dramatherapy programs we have been running in this refugee community. Pictured here are three sisters interacting with a dramatherapy tool called the parachute. Two years ago, the two older sisters were very withdrawn and would exhibit signs of anxiety and selective mutism. Through our dramatherapy team, they became more participative in group activities and began speaking outside their home. Now, they eagerly introduce their younger sister to the activities and games they have come to love.
Dramatherapy is all about story and dramatization! Here the girls are acting out a part of the story together in which Mahabba holds her sword before her while facing a river full of scary crocodiles.
In the story, Mahabba stumbles on a desert rose that unfurls to reveal a sword. This sword is the Sword of the Spirit, showing Mahabba truth and giving her courage. Here, the older girls pose excitedly for a group photo with the swords that they made and decorated.
We may not know what is happening in every child’s heart, but we know we are sowing seeds of faith, hope, and love that will blossom in time!